Müller Thurgau: mountain wine 2018

The reflectors on the Valle di Cembra and its symbolic product, the Müller Thurgau, are lit. In fact, from the 28th of June to the 1st of July 2018 will be held the XXXI edition of the International Festival Müller Thurgau: mountain wine. The XV edition of the Vini Müller Thurgau International Competition will take place. The aim is to compare Müller Thurgau in the Alpine area, both Italian and non.

The program

The event includes a four-day event full of high-profile events. The program includes technical meetings, free and guided tastings, visits to the vineyards and dinners under the stars. Itinerant shows between art, music, street theater and food and wine. And there are also side events of folklore, such as the X Sculpture Symposium that sees the participation of 14 wood artists from all over Italy and abroad.

The location

The Valle di Cembra, is located north-east of Trento and is an entrance gate for the Valle di Fiemme. The vineyards that you can see in this place have been painstakingly conquered by farmers because on important slopes. Thanks to the construction of over 700 km of dry stone walls, and just as painstakingly cultivated, often without the benefits offered by the use of mechanical means. The effort is however rewarded by the excellent results obtained from these wines.

Müller Thurgau

Born between 1882 and 1891 from the crossing of Riesling Renano and Madaleine Royal by the hand of prof. Hermann Müller. It is a vine that ripens best in the mountains and that in Valle di Cembra, a territory characterized by porphyritic soils and a strong thermal excursion, has found its ideal place.

From the vinification of its grapes, a pale straw-yellow white wine with greenish reflections is obtained, a very evident aromatic component, with hints of aromatic herbs, elderberries, tropical fruits and citrus fruits.

If you are interested in spending a few days relaxing, and you want to take a break from all this heat, I recommend you take part in this wonderful event!

Good day! Ilde

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