Ronco Blanchis winery

Located at the foot of the Collio, in the territories that once belonged to noble Austrian and Spanish families, stands the Ronco Blanchis winery. Managed by Giancarlo Palla and his sons Alberto and Lorenzo. They work scrupulously and passionately for the purpose of enhancing the potential of their magnificent possessions. Their purpose is to get the best results but without too much compromise.

The territory

The Ronco Blanchis winery is located in Mossa, a small rural village in the heart of the Collio Goriziano. Here, the morphology of the land draws small hills, locally called Ronchi. It is the ideal place for growing grapes. Since 2000, the winery is owned by the Palla family as we said earlier. These, have decided to devote themselves solely to the production of white wines.

The vineyard

Their vineyard extends for 10 hectares at an altitude of 100 meters on land rich in marl and clay. The vines are mostly autochthonous and include Sauvignon and Friulano wines. But also Pinot Grigio and Malvasia.

The vines are trained in Guyot and, thanks to the South-East exposure, can benefit from the influence that comes from the nearby Adriatic Sea and the Julian Alps. A cultivation is developed that is as sustainable as possible. Only copper and sulfur treatments are used. During several years Botrytis Cinerea was used, whose formation is favored by morning mists in the valley floor, to give precious aromatic notes to wines.

The wines

In the cellar the work is reduced to a minimum, so as to avoid as much as possible interventions that can alter the nature of the wine. In fact, Ronco Blanchis produces wines characterized by important and intense aromas that smell of all the flavors of the territory. It is thanks to these characteristics that it is reaching an affirmation, even internationally, in constant growth.

If you have not yet tasted these fine wines I suggest you hurry up! Of course you will not regret it!

Good day!


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