The Friulano by Ronco Blanchis, a wine with great accolades

The delicious Friulano wine by Ronco Blanchis has received several awards, let’s discover which ones together!

A great aging white

A great aging white The company Ronco Blanchis has held a full-bodied vertical “Tocai Friulano al Friulano”. During the event all 12 years were tasted from 2006 to 2017. The result was a pleasant surprise: beyond the natural and also important differences between the various years, it was the great drinkability of each one.

Corona of ViniBuoni d’Italia 2017

The Collio DOC Friulano 2015 wine was also awarded in the Corona, the highest recognition given by the ViniBuoni d’Italia Guide. Indeed it was without a doubt an excellent year, and receiving this recognition is a sign of great prestige. A great satisfaction for the company Ronco Blanchis.

Nomination for the Corona in 2016

The Collio DOC Friulano 2014 received the Nomination for the Corona in the “Vini Buoni d’Italia” Guide. It has therefore been recognized as one of the best products of the region also in 2016.

Collio DOC Friulano receives the first nomination for the crown in 2014

Following the tastings and selections made by the commissions of the Vinibuoni d’Italia guide, Collio DOC Friulano wine reached the national final that allowed it to compete for the nomination for the Corona.

With Tre Bicchieri in Tokyo in Japan

Tre Bicchieri, the most important Italian wine tasting, has landed in Tokyo with Gambero Rosso. Among the various wines offered there is also the Collio DOC Friulano wine of Ronco Blanchis. Participating in such an important event abroad is synonymous with great prestige and allows the company’s name to gain a greater reputation.

With Tre Bicchieri on tour in the USA

Thanks to the Gambero Rosso magazine the Collio DOC Friulano wine of Ronco Blanchis could also travel in the USA. New York, Chicago and San Francisco were the cities where great tastings were organized for the Tre Bicchieri 2014 event.

We have therefore understood that the Collio DOC Friulano wine of Ronco Blanchis is a wine that must absolutely be tasted! Have not you done it yet? The moment has come!

Good day!


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