Soave Versus 2018

From 1 to 3 September 2018 will take place in the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Piazza Bra (VE), Soave Versus. An event dedicated to Italian white wine that returns this year to animate the city of Verona. The aim is to celebrate the link between the city of Verona and its symbolic white wine. In fact there are 3 days of tasting of more than 40 cellars and 200 references accompanied by delicious tasting of revisited traditional dishes.

The theme and the event

The theme and the eventThe theme of Soave Versus is this year the trait d’union between the Verona and Soave restaurants. It goes perfectly with the flavors of typical products, from Monte Veronese DOC, to dishes embellished with Italian olive oil, to local agricultural excellences. A continuous and always new story thanks to the interpretation that will be made by the chefs involved. Alongside the Consortium is also the Italian Sommelier Association which will have the task of accompanying visitors on routes to discover the different facets of Soave. Soave Versus becomes a place where the Veronese production expressions meet to enhance and enhance the Soave and the gastronomic excellences, in a moment of celebration of Verona’s being.

The program

Soave Versus, as every year will see a rich calendar of meetings and animations. Together with Soave, these will involve the most qualified productive and economic expressions of the territory. Together with the Soave producers, the artisans of the Veronese gastronomic excellences will be directly involved, offering free tastings and tastings. There will also be a number of Italian and foreign operators belonging to the catering world and different realities of Veronese hospitality. Over 50 wineries present with their Soave in tasting, with almost 200 labels of Veronese white par excellence. To “entertain” those present there will also be various demonstrations and shows. There will also be moments of reflection on the themes of wine and the territory.

It is therefore an unmissable event! If you are present let me know your opinion about it!

Good day!


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