Spolert. Meeting the owner.



Spolert is a really nice discovery !!!

Taking a tour of the Prepotto vineyards, is very suggestive, and you can stumble upon incredible realities.

This is what happened to me. Not really easy to find, at one point I thought I would never go down that narrow street, but when I arrived at my destination and Riccardo opened the balcony on this hill, I literally lost my breath for a few moments. I wanted to roll down the vineyard like a little girl and let the vine leaves twist in my hair.




The owner

Riccardo, the owner of the Spolert winery, is a young, dynamic and nice guy who together with his sweet wife decided 3 years ago to take care of this very small company. Extremely attentive and sensitive to the environment and territoriality, he decided to recover the old Spolert (a sort of wood stove) found in a room during the renovation. Today the spoler has now become the lead actor of this winery.

I noticed a great competence for the organic production, with a very conscious and projected look to the future.

The producer has very clear ideas and the will to preserve the production of local vines.

The wines

I got excited when entering the cellar I saw the concrete tanks, arranged from the smallest to the largest like matryoshkas. In fact, when I was eight years old, my father decided to rent a vineyard for three seasons; he produced wine and sold it in one of the first taverns in town. I have an indelible memory of those concrete barrels and the scent of must during the harvests.

The production of the Spolert company is targeted. A young and fresh line characterized by 4 native vines, Friulano, Ribolla Gialla, Schioppettino and Refosco rosato. The labels cannot fail to attract your attention: they are all dedicated to famous historical figures of great personality, which reflects he wine they are paired with. And what label are you paired with ????

Wines with varietal aromas, soft and captivating on the palate; easy to drink wines, in fact one glass attracts the other!

Well all these emotions made me thirsty, and you ?????

check out the chat I had with Riccardo near the Spolert (find the video below) and take advantage of the offers we have reserved for you.

See you in the next winery!


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