Wine… my way!

I can hear your thoughts… here we go another blog about wine… there are already so many out there… why should I waste my team reading this one?

I could reply with some foregone answers like… because we are the best… because our knowledge on wine is above the average…. because thanks to this blog you will become wine experts and be able to show off with family and friends… but…

But… this is not the case… I am fortunate enough to have transformed my passion for wine in my job.

Let me introduce myself… my name is Ilde, I started enjoying wine after my 30th birthday… before that I could not really understand why so many people took joy in drinking this “juice” … thank I tasted my first Cabernet Franc and the light went on; the scents, the colors, all those different flavors in my mouth, that was it …i fall immediately in love with this fantastic world.

As I am a curious person, i immediately tried to learn more about wine and i subscribe for a sommelier course where I had the chance to taste lots of very good wines but also to learn about the wine-making  and the most important wineries in Italy.

At that time I was working for an american company, my job was very demanding but at the same time  allowed me to travel around the world; then one day my manager came over and it took him 5 minutes to let me go…. yes I am not joking… 5 minutes  with the best speech ever…. “ you are amazing, you did such a great job and have been an asset for the team but your role has been moved to the US there for I must let you go…”  Honestly I  did not see it coming but after the initial shock I told myself this was the changed to transform my passion for wine in my job and….. here I am!!!!


So.. to answer my initial question… why should you follow this blog… the answer is easy … because this is my passion and everything you will read here is written with emotion and excitement by a person who is really in love with this world.  I will share with my travels , my discovery, I will make you taste my friends dishes and I will do my best to transfer my passion to all of you.

Let’s start immediately…. as I told you for me everything started thanks to Cabernet Franc… let’s see if the ic works also for you!!!!

I have worked out a Cabernet Franc tasting package! Try them with your friends and let me know what you think


Speak to you soon





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