Terra d’Aligi winery

Logo Terra d’Aligi winery

Abruzzo (central Italy), a  predominantly mountainous and hilly region with an outlet on the Adriatic coast, is the home of the  Terra d’Aligi winery. Established by the Spinelli family, a family born in the region and  inloved of it  unconditionally. The  Terra d’Aligi winery is a brand of excellence born from the passion for wine and the desire to make the most of the Abruzzo region and its potential.


The family vision
The family Spinelli decided to invest in the cultivation of new grape varieties (which are located in the hilly part of the region); by using innovative technologies and imposing their vision, sometimes fussy but necessary, they managed to make this new brand very prestigious  and known at world wine level. The wines produced by the Tera d’Aligi winery are wines made from selected grapes that have plenty of time to refine and fully represent the territory they came from.

The wines
Love is expressed also in the selection of the names for the different wines; here below I have chosen three of them that I  believe are among all, the most significant and represent very well  the concept of family and homeland belonging  that is so close to the hart of  the Terra d’Aligi winery.

Tatone is a dialect word meaning “grandfather”;  I am talking about a Montepulciano d’Abruzzo mature and complex wine. Aged for 24 months in big Slovenian oak barrels followed by 3 months in botte. A complex wine that like all “Tatoni” remains tied to its traditions and its land.

Tolos literally indicates an oval structured made by stones, normally used by shepherds during the transhumance. This name has been give to the starlight wine of the winery. Made with Montepulciano d’Abruzzo selected grapes it is a complex and powerful wine that  ages for 18 months in new barriques followed by 12 months in bottle. The outcome is a well-structured, elegant. balanced and persistent wine.

Zite  another dialect word that indicates the typical kids noisy fun and vibrancy. The wine expresses joy and radiance; produced with selected grapes, it has ample and intense aromas  and is perfect to accompany your parties!

If you are in the Abruzzo area, make sure to visit the Terra D’Aligi winery and feel live the love and the dedication of the Spinelli family.

See you later!


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