VinitalyBio – the “bio” side of Vinitaly

the logo of Vinitalybio
Vineyard cultivated with “bio” criteria.

Hello everybody! Searching among the various Vinitaly’s pavilions I focused on the area dedicated to Vinitalybio (Veronafiere’s brand since 2014). This year you can find it in hall 8; it is a lounge area dedicated to certified biological wine produced in Italy and abroad. Organized in collaboration with FederBio (Italian Federation of Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture) who is also verifying the compliance with the requirements of Italian and foreign wineries producing organic wines.

Why choose “bio”

The wine you will find exposed is defined “bio” because it is made with an agricultural technique that excludes or limits the use of chemical substances. There are many advantages: it is rich in vital active ingredients and it strengthens the metabolism and the defenses. But that’s not all: it prevents the deposit of chemical toxins in the body, accelerates healing and stimulates the regeneration of organs and tissues. We believe that also for this reason consumers interest in organic wines is constantly increasing.

What you will find at VinitalyBio

Another of Vinitalybio’s positive characteristics is the fact that it also represents a good opportunity for winemakers who want to be known and promote their product. In this area, wineries can present themselves through meetings with operators at their stand and through guided tasting sessions. A “bio” wine shop is also set up to give visibility to wineries that offer a certified organic line.

Paolo Carnemolla, president of FederBio says: “Thanks to the Vinitalybio project we will have the opportunity to finally give visibility and voice to certified organic wine. This is in fact the only guarantee for those who want to buy a wine obtained according to the principles and regulations of the EU in the field of organic. Its strength is precisely in the certification, which starts from the growing of the grapes up to the bottling. Certification that is carried on by a third party, expressly authorized by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies. The certification is a must for all wineries that want to attend the exhibition. Veronafiere supports FederBio by providing staff who carries on appropriate and targeted checks. The organic certification is now recognized internationally even outside the EU. It is an extraordinary opportunity for Italian wine to further improve its positioning on the markets “.

AndI hope I have nicely captured your attention.

If you are in Verona during Vinitaly check out the Vinitalybio area and let me know if you enjoyed it!

have a good day, ciao Ilde.

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