Donnafugata: the company that combines art with taste

Colorful drawings and illustrations, with a strong expressive power. The Donnafugata labels tell about wine and Sicily through a particular and feminine language. They are cleverly made by Stefano Vitale, an artist with an unmistakable touch.

The artist

Born in Padua, Vitale spent many years of his life in California. He traveled through Central America and treasured folk art that left a profound influence on his style of drawing. Now he lives in Venice where he has the studio-laboratory in which he creates the illustrations.

The first label for Donnafugata dates back to 1990 with the creation of “La Fuga”. Reference to the story of Queen Maria Carolina, wife of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who fled from Naples at the beginning of the nineteenth century to the arrival of the Napoleonic troops and took refuge in the very land where today’s vineyards are located. The label shows a young woman “strong” that offers the sweet Sicilian breeze the fruits of the vineyard and the scents of the countryside.

The company

The Donnafugata company was founded in 1983 in the historic cellars of the Rallo family in Marsala and in the vineyards of Contessa Entellina. In 1989 they also landed on the island of Pantelleria where natural sweet wines are produced.

Donnafugata in Sicily has many offices dedicated to production. But the ancient family cellars are located in Marsala, where the processes of refining and bottling take place.

The wines

Donnafugata’s white wines are fresh and have a particular aromatic complexity. The line includes eight delicate and delicate products, elegant and full of flavors and aromas. Red wines aim to express the authenticity of Sicily. The range includes a rosé and five reds.

Donnafugata also stands out for its careful selection of the names of its wines. In fact, he wants to fully interpret the values, the history, the taste and the smell of Sicily, combining art with taste. It is precisely for this reason that it is a company with a unique style and personality that makes it well recognizable in every product.

Have you ever tried one of these products? Run to do it!

Good day, Ilde.

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