Castelvecchio agricultural company

Located above Sagrado, where the Gorizia Karst dominates, the Castelvecchio agricultural company rises. The fortunate position of this plateau is truly unique and embraces the Julian Alps to the nearby Gulf of Trieste.

The estate

A difficult terrain, dry and rocky, able to give the vineyards that rise in the heart of the estate, wines of great character. The 120 hectares of which the company is composed, 40 of which are vineyards, are part of a natural park of calcareous rock and red soil. Rich in ferrous minerals in which the Bora wind blows, ensuring an ideal climatic condition for the cultivation of wines of great value. The estate has been owned by the Terraneo family since 1986. With passion and professionalism, it has been able to enhance their property.

The oil

Next to the 40 hectares dedicated to the vineyards there is an olive grove of 600 olive trees of various qualities. This guarantees an excellent production of extra virgin olive oil every year. The karst lands, apparently hostile, are instead able to offer us various products of the highest level.


The Karst is a territory that is often recognized only for the sad and bloody historical events that took place during the First World War.

In reality the cultivation of the vine and the olive has always been a very suitable territory. Thanks to the peculiarities of this plateau. This historic residence was a holiday resort, inserted into a large agricultural property. The Venetian Villa in fact associated with the practical function of land management that of leisure and vacation. The Villa remained the property of the Della Torre dynasty of the Hofer Valsassina until 1849. It later passed to the Hohenlohe Waldenburg family of princes.

Since the 80s the Terraneo family, as we have said before, carries on this project by making the most of the karstic terroirio with their production.

I hope the curiosities about this winery have interested you and encouraged you to taste their excellent products.

Good day everyone! Ilde

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