Franciacorta Summer Festival

On the first of June 2018 the Franciacorta Summer Festival began with a weekend dedicated to food. Restaurants, trattorias, agritourisms, wine bars of the Strada del Franciacorta have proposed menus with local products. Many wineries have organized events, visits and tastings. For the occasion the companies of typical products have also opened to the public with tours organized on the hills, on foot, by bike, by Vespa. On Sunday there was a party in the park of Villa Fassati Barba in Passirano, with signature dishes and Franciacorta.

9-10 June Sport & Outdoor

During the weekend dedicated to sport and outdoor life, itineraries will be proposed by bike, on foot, by vespa with stops in the cellars; there will be picnics in the vineyards and outdoor activities.

16-17 June Art & Culture

This weekend will be held exhibitions, exhibitions, guided tours to discover the most secret and fascinating places of Franciacorta under the patronage of the FAI-Brescia Delegation and in collaboration with the Municipalities of Terra della Franciacorta.

23-24 June Music

The weekend will be dedicated to music with concerts in cellars and places of particular charm.

The location of the event

We are in Franciacorta, a small territory with an enogastronomical and tourist vocation not far from Milan. In the morainic amphitheater that flows on the south shore of Lake Iseo, where in 1967 the Doc Franciacorta was established. That thanks to the first three and most important wineries in the area: Bellavista, Berlucchi and Ca ‘del Bosco managed to grow until the DOCG was reached. He was granted in 1990. This was however only the first step. The award comes in 1995, and Franciacorta manages to become one of the two most important sparkling wine areas in the world: together with Champagne.

The Bellavista winery in Erbusco

The winery is located on a panoramic hill, between works of art and underground areas full of white oak barrels and bottles. Settled under 7 meters high arches and in tunnels up to 400 meters long. During the visit you discover a history of research of perfection. From the oenologist Mattia Vezzoli, who from the beginning collaborates with the Moretti family, owners of the winery. At the speedy gentleman who turns the bottles in fermentation every day at a rate of 120 in 20 seconds.

If you have already participated in the first weekend of the festival, or you intend to participate in the following ones, let me know how this special experience was for you!

Good day! Ilde

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