Lasagna with white meat sauce and zucchini

The lasagna with white meat sauce and zucchini are a tasty succulent first course. Follow this recipe to make this very good alternative to traditional lasagne. Ingredients Lasagna with egg 250g Courgettes 300 g Parmesan to be grated FOR WHITE MEAT SOUCE Sausage 320 g Celery 1 coast Carrots 1 Onions 1 Red wine 50 […]

Curiosities among the strangest and little known, related to wine

Hello everyone! The articles in this blog revolve around the wine. We love to drink it, taste it and pair it. But besides this, behind this drink there is much more. I searched the web for informations and curiosities among the strangest and little known related to wine that will surely excite your interest!   […]

“The abstemious sommelier” of the restaurant Testecalde

The project “The abstemious sommelier” has taken place in the agri-food pavilion of the Fair of the Levante 2017. Where the first experimental lesson was held for children with disabilities of the restaurant Testecalde of Rutigliano. In this particular restaurant, a group of disabled children, led by professionals in the sector, have learned the craft of […]

South Tyrol’s “Wine Road”

Hello everyone! Flipping through various tourist destinations for a next holiday I discovered a place surrounded by truly magnificent nature. South Tyrol’s “Wine Road”, one of the most renowned destinations for food and wine tourism, it  is a picturesque and welcoming area thanks to its vineyards, swimming lakes, historic residences and the mountains that frame […]

VinitalyBio – the “bio” side of Vinitaly

the logo of Vinitalybio

Hello everybody! Searching among the various Vinitaly’s pavilions I focused on the area dedicated to Vinitalybio (Veronafiere’s brand since 2014). This year you can find it in hall 8; it is a lounge area dedicated to certified biological wine produced in Italy and abroad. Organized in collaboration with FederBio (Italian Federation of Organic and Biodynamic […]