Meat tartare with gin and fried capers

Good morning my special followers … Shall we prepare a quick but amazing recipe? I would say that the meat tartare done with the variant of gin and crispy capers always wins! Come on let’s not waste time chatting, get yourself these delighting ingredients and you will amaze your friends. Ingredients for 4 persons 600 g […]

Mezze maniche pasta (half sleeves) with potatoes, mushrooms and grappa

Dear friends, the time for mushrooms has finally arrived… I know that many of you know have the passion to eat them, but also to pick them in the woods. And after a lot of work, there is the perfect recipe to enhance them. Mezze maniche ( the translation is half sleeves) pasta with potatoes […]

The grape

Talking about grapes is a pleasure because I believe all of us has tasted more than one quality; but recognizing the different varieties is very difficult. There are thousands of vines that represent the vineyard world, but only about fifty are the most widespread. Among these there are those considered international that adapt well almost […]