Search Results for: roma

Verduzzo DOC – 2020 – Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Verduzzo DOC - 2018 - Friuli VG - Enolike

THE WINE The Verduzzo  DOC from the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100% Verduzzo grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. We are talking about a very ancient and fascinating native vine which expresses its best on these hills. THE WINEMAKING The harvest is strictly manual, and […]

Sauvignon DOC – 2021 – Zorzettig

Enolike - Sauvignon DOC - Zorzettig - Friuli Venezia Giulia

THE WINE The Sauvignon of the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100% Sauvignon grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. The clayey soil made up of layers of marl and sandstone makes the area ideal for cultivating this grape of French origin. THE WINEMAKING The harvest is […]