Search Results for: roma

Verduzzo DOC – 2021 – Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Verduzzo DOC - 2018 - Friuli VG - Enolike

THE WINE The Verduzzo  DOC from the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100% Verduzzo grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. We are talking about a very ancient and fascinating native vine which expresses its best on these hills. THE WINEMAKING The harvest is strictly manual, and […]

Sauvignon DOC – 2021 – Zorzettig

Enolike - Sauvignon DOC - Zorzettig - Friuli Venezia Giulia

THE WINE The Sauvignon of the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100% Sauvignon grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. The clayey soil made up of layers of marl and sandstone makes the area ideal for cultivating this grape of French origin. THE WINEMAKING The harvest is […]

Friulano DOC – 2021 – Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Friulano DOC - 2019 - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Enolike

THE WINE The Friulano DOC of the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100% Friulano grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. We are talking about a native vine par excellence of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The clayey soil made up of layers of marl and sandstone makes this […]

Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso DOC – 2021- Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso DOC - Enolike

THE WINE The Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso of the Zorzettig winery comes from 100% Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. We are talking about a native grape variety already famous since 1700. We are talking about the best black grape variety in […]

Pinot Noir DOC – 2021 – Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Pinot Nero DOC - 2019 - Friuli VG - Enolike

THE WINE The Pinot Noir of the Zorzettig winery comes from pure Pinot Noir grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. From this vine of French origin, it found the perfect soil and microclimate in the Eastern hills of Friuli for the correct ripening of this elegant […]

Franconia DOC – 2021- Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Franconia DOC - 2019 - Friuli VG - Enolike

THE WINE The Franconia of the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100% Franconia grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. From this vine of Austrian origin, the winery creates a wine with a particular sugar residue given by a slight withering of a percentage of the grapes […]

Cabernet Franc DOC – 2021 – Zorzettig

Zorzettig - Cabernet Franc DOC - FVG - Enolike

THE WINE The Cabernet Franc of the Zorzettig winery is produced with 100%  Cabernet Franc grapes grown in the municipality of Spessa di Cividale in the eastern hills of Friuli. This vine imported from France is widely cultivated in Friuli Venezia Giulia; and it is precisely in this region that, thanks to the quality of […]

Gortmarin – 2006 – Borgo San Daniele

Borgo San Daniele - Gortmarin - 2006 – FVG - Enolike

THE WINE The Gortmarin of the Borgo San Daniele winery is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot grapes. This wine as been called Gortmarin to honor the name of the land on which the vineyards of  Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon  have been planted over forty years ago. These are grapes […]

Jiasik Rosso – 2021 – Borgo San Daniele – magnum

Borgo San Daniele - Jiasik Rosso - FVG - Enolike

THE WINE The Jiasik Rosso of the Borgo San Daniele winery is produced with 100% Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in Giassico, a small village where the air still smells of Austro-Hungarian Empire. We are located in the municipality of Cormons in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Peculiarities of this wine; the winemaking follows the lunar phases and the […]