Search Results for: roma

Courtyard ragù with olives and thyme n° 69 – Alessio Brusadin

Enolike - Courtyard ragù with olives and thyme - Alessio Brusadin - FVG

THE PRODUCT  Alessio Brusadin’s courtyard ragù with olives and thyme is a “white” ragù, i.e. without adding tomatoes. The meat used in equal parts is that of court animals such as guinea fowl, chicken and turkey, adding olives and thyme, which makes it tasty but at the same time delicate. Excellent for seasoning all types […]

Sausage and aubergine ragù n° 67 – Alessio Brusadin

Enolike - Sausage and aubergine ragù - Alessio Brusadin - FVG

THE PRODUCT  Alessio Brusadin’s sausage and aubergine ragù is the typical Bolognese ragu with adding aubergine. This ragu has a slightly spicy character that goes well with egg pasta. Ingredients: pork sausage 70%, aubergines 14%, carrot, celery, onion, garlic. Red wine, tomato paste, flavourings, sunflower seed oil, salt, black pepper, cinnamon, anise and fennel seeds. […]

Ribolla Matta Brut – Paolo Caccese

Enolike - Ribolla Matta Brut - Paolo Caccese - FVG -.

THE WINE The Ribolla Brut from Paolo Caccese’s winery comes from Ribolla Gialla grapes grown in the estate’s vineyards in the town of Pradis in the province of Cormons in the heart of the Collio DOC. The soil rich in fragmented marl and sandstone that time has enriched with salts, and the protection of the […]

Extra virgin olive oil – Trullo Line – 500 ml – De Carlo

Enolike - Olio Extravergine di Oliva - Linea Trullo - 500 ml - De Carlo

The Product The extra virgin olive oil Trullo Line stands out for its precious handmade and hand-painted majolica jugs. The Trullos are customized with a stylized design that recalls the profile of the Trulli (typical Apulian houses) and the bright colours of the sun, oil and sea of Puglia. The extra virgin olive oil is […]

Collio DOC – Rosso – 2022 – Picech

Enolike - Collio DOC - Rosso - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Picech

THE WINE The Rosso DOC from the Picech winery is a blend of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes grown on the Pradis hills between Cormons and Gorizia, not far from the border with Slovenia. The bland grapes never overpower each other but find the perfect balance. The winery produces 5,500 bottles per year. […]

Collio DOC – Friulano – 2022 – Picech

EEnolike - Collio DOC - Friulano - Friuli VG - Picech

THE WINE The Friulano from the Picech winery is produced with 100% Friulano grapes grown on the Pradis hills between Cormons and Gorizia, not far from the  Slovenian border. It is a wine that expresses the soul of the past; 6000 bottles are produced per year. The wording “Le Vigne del Ribel” on all the […]

Merlot Corvina IGT – 2019 – Santa Sofia

Enolike - Merlot Covina IGT - Santa Sofia - Veneto

THE WINE The Merlo Corvina from the Santa Sofia winery is a wine that comes from a blend of Merlot and Corvina grapes, just as its name suggests, grown in the vineyards owned by the winery, located in the hilly areas in the province of Verona, where the land is mainly of calcareous origin. THE […]

Bardolino Classico DOC – 2020 – Santa Sofia

Enolike - Bardolino Classico DOC - Santa Sofia - Veneto

THE WINE The Bardolino Classico from the Santa Sofia winery is a wine produced with a blend of Corvina, Rondinella e Molinara grapes grown in the vineyards owned by the winery and located in the hills of Bardolino; here the soils have a morainic-glacial origin. THE WINEMAKING After manual harvesting, the selected grapes are taken […]

Valpolicella Classico DOC – 2021 – Santa Sofia

Enolike - Valpolicella Classico DOC - Santa Sofia - Veneto

THE WINE The Valpolicella Classico from the Santa Sofia winery is a wine produced with a blend of Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella grapes grown in the vineyards owned by the winery and located in the hills of Valpolicella; here, the soils have a predominantly calcareous mixture. THE WINEMAKING After manual harvesting, the selected grapes are […]