Cantine Aperte 2018

Spring has now blossomed and is in full splendor. It is in this suggestive context that the twenty-sixth edition of Cantine Aperte will take place. An event that combines the passion for wine with the long and pleasant days of this month. Organized by the Wine Tourism Movement, it will take place on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th May.

The event

Cantine Aperte is an enotourist event among the most important in Italy. In fact, since 1993, on the last Sunday of May, the wine cellars of the Wine Tourism Movement have opened their doors to the public. Giving life to a direct contact with wine lovers.

It is a way to discover and reconcile tourism with the Italian wine territories. In fact, it sees the number of visitors increase each year. They are simply curious or real enthusiast and go into the various cellars.

Discover and visit the cellars

This event offers the opportunity to taste the wines. But also to buy them directly in the company and enter the cellars. It will also be possible to discover the history of the vines thanks to the stories of the winemakers. Those who live and commit themselves for generations to those lands.

Cantine Aperte has had the opportunity to collect over time a growing success. Also thanks to the producers, who are committed to best accommodate their guests during these days.

News and initiatives

To satisfy the different interests of tourists, this year the cellars will present themselves to the public in different ways. You can in fact visit the companies freely without booking. But also knowing the cellars with visits or emotional experiences, only by reservation (this option will however be charged).

There are also numerous initiatives organized in the various cellars. Unforgettable food and wine events will make your experience in Cantine Aperte unforgettable.

A wonderful opportunity to learn more about the cellars of your region. But also a good excuse to venture around Italy to discover new wines. Let me know if you will participate in this magnificent event! Good day!


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