The Duchy of Friulian wines

The Duchy of Friulian wines was born on October 10, 1972 in the historic town of Cividale, located in the center of one of the most renowned wine-growing areas of Friuli.

Historical curiosities

Cividale was the capital of the first Longobard duchy. It was also chosen to link the nobility of history, land and wine with each other. Thanks to the specialists of the sector, intellectuals, artists and journalists able to promote their image, aware of the excellence of Friulian wine.

This is how a wine appreciation movement was born that has rapidly grown in importance and notoriety.


After forty years we can say that the Duchy has played a very important role. Thanks to a series of initiatives that brought him to the attention of operators and public opinion.

Today in Friuli and on the Karst, over thirty white and red DOC and DOCG wines, sparkling wines and new wines are produced.

Friuli also has an excellent gastronomy. Two names prevail over everyone: Maestro Martino and Bartolomeo Sacchi. At the moment, good food lovers know and appreciate many of the Friulian culinary delicacies: San Daniele ham, ham and speck of Sauris, Pitina, Montasio cheese, Asìno cheese and “frant” cheese, Tergeste oil, trotasalmonata, the “musetto” with “brovada” and polenta. And the list could go on for a long time.

The Friuli includes hospitality among its traditions. It is no coincidence that the typical greeting of the Friulians is “send”. Word that derives from the Latin mane diu and has the double meaning of “stay long in life” and “stay for a long time among us”. It is at the same time a wish for a long life and a hospitable invitation. An invitation that, of course, we make ours.

I hope to have you interested and made aware of the beauty of this land.

Good day! Ilde

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