ETNA – Wines protected by the Volcano


Today let’s talk about viticulture in Sicily and the wines produced in the Etna volcano area. The first real traces of viticulture date back to the Greek colonization of Sicily; it was the Greeks who brought vines, breeding systems, and winemaking techniques. We know this thanks to the discovery of coins from 470 BC. minted in Catania and depicting Silenus with bunches of grapes; Mythology tells us that the first to drink Dionysius’ wine was Silenus who drank so much that he got drunk and remained drunk for the rest of his life.

Terroir e Wineyards

Terroir and vineyards on Etna
Etna is a 3000-meter high volcano divided into four sides, north, south, west, and east; the most interesting one from a winemaking point of view is the northern side.
The climate on this side is variable, and can go from hot sun to sudden rains; the soil is undoubtedly volcanic, but the color can vary based on the minerals present and the fineness of the sand.
Here viticulture is extremely heroic, not only for the cultivation, but also because any lava flows could destroy the entire vineyard.

The last lava flow on the northern side was recorded in 1923, still today we can witness the presence of lava rock which sometimes creates walls near the vineyards which, with a lot of patience, will disintegrate to make room for cultivation.

The best-known red grape varieties are Nerello Mascalese, Nerello Cappuccio, followed by Grenache and Alicante.

For white grapes, the Carricante and the Minella stand out.

Nerello Mascalese

It is a difficult grape to grow because it is not easy to obtain a balance between sugar maturity and acidity; the Northern side is the most suitable for creating the ideal conditions for this vine which certainly has the peculiarity of giving the wines beautiful elegance and tannic presence. It does not develop great acidity, but a nice alcoholic burst.


It is the most important and most cultivated white grape variety on Etna. Variety that gives wines of particular freshness and notable minerality. The eastern side is the most suitable for growing the vine.

The wine route

the wine route

The panorama you can witness while walking along the foot of the mountain is certainly unique: villages, towns, farms, and the Etna countryside rich in vineyards, olive trees, palm trees, and pistachio trees. The famous wine route is an association of farms, accommodation facilities, restaurants, wine bars, and vine museums, to promote the territory and the winemaking tradition. For more information visit the website 

I hope I have encouraged you to take a trip to Sicily and taste some wines from the Etna area. Italy is a wonderful country and it is beautiful to discover all the particularities that each region reserves.
Alla prossima…

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