International “Gotha del Gusto” award recognized to the Moschioni winery

The Moschioni company has received several prizes of great value. Let’s discover together one of the finest of his awards: the Gotha del Gusto.

What is “Gotha del Gusto”?

This is a prize awarded by the independent international club of the luxury press, wine & food, travel and tourism. Since 1999 the club has been selecting and gathering the best journalists and experts in the wine, catering, hotel, restaurant and tourism sectors worldwide. Thanks to its Italian and foreign offices, the Gotha del Gusto International Award and the television and journalistic reports are able to offer a complete and objective overview of the agro-food and tourism-hotel universe.

The recognition to the Moschioni company

The International Academy of Economic Press, in 2009, awarded the prestigious “Il Gotha del Gusto” prize to the winery of Michele Moschioni. The great commitment to achieve excellence with its wines has therefore been greatly rewarded. Michele Moschioni, thanks to his sincere passion for red wines in a land of whites, has managed to become an international icon and an indispensable reference for international lovers of great vintage wines.

The value of their products

During the vinification no improper yeasts or enzymes are used: only indigenous. Fermentation takes place in 60-quintal wooden vats with manual pressing, without temperature control. At the end of the fermentation, the wine is de-activated and the aging in French oak barriques begins for 13 months. At the end of the refining period the wine is assembled in large wooden barrels and remains there for a whole year. It follows the bottling without any filtration and the rest in the bottle for a further 6-8 months.

Michele Moschioni’s is a unique company, from the creation of their products to their type. This is a company that has the courage to dare and has successfully managed to achieve its goals. Awards such as the Gotha del Gusto International Award are a good example.

Do not miss the chance to taste their products!

Good day!


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