Wine in the kitchen

For a special touch to the dishes, adding a small dose of wine is often a good idea. The simple operation of “fading” in fact, allows risottos, sauces, stews and many other preparations to benefit from the many properties of a good wine, used as cooking liquid prevents the preparations from sticking. Helps to reduce the fats used and flavor by adding aromas and color to braised and stewed. However, wine in the kitchen can hide pitfalls. Its acidity, for example, can compromise the success of a dish. This is why it is important to choose the right one. Here is a list of small trivia to make your wine experience better, in the kitchen!

The wine must be good

The wine you use for cooking must be good, just like any other ingredient in the recipe. It is the fundamental requirement to ensure the success of a recipe with this type of preparation. It is better to use a bottle of wine just uncorked and avoid tetrabrick.

White or red?

There is no fixed rule. In general, for cooking it is better to use the same wine with which one thinks to accompany the dish. With stews of meat or game, better the red wine, which degreases the flavor of the meat. With fish and seafood it is essential to use only white wine. For white meat, such as chicken, duck or turkey, it is best to use wine containing a minimum amount of tannin.

When to fade?

The wines must be used at the beginning of cooking, to enhance the flavors. At the end of cooking they are instead used to “scent” the dish or to marinate the meat to be grilled.

Does the dish cooked with wine become alcoholic?

Although we consider that usually the amount of wine used in the kitchen is limited. Some studies have shown that a certain amount of alcohol is still present at the end of cooking.

The acidity of the wine

We must always pay attention to one detail: the wine is always rather acidic and its acidity does not evaporate during cooking, rather it is accentuated with the flavors of food. We must therefore remember to balance with starches or fats, or add ingredients with a high protein content.


Hoping to have helped you in the kitchen, I wish you a good day!


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