Natural wine

A natural wine is a wine that is produced from organic grapes. Manufacturers do not undergo certification. At the same time they refuse to use synthetic chemicals and to intervene in the cellar work with invasive enological practices. There are no laws on the exact definition of “natural wine”. Therefore, it is not currently a name certified by an institution.


In France around 1903 and 1904 during the strike the winemakers asked for a wine made exclusively from grape juice. Without resorting to artificial methods. Various revolts led to the birth of the law that prohibited the dilution of wine wine by adding water and abusing it with sugar. This claim then joined the consumer demand for a healthier food (slow food).

There are now some wineries belonging to three associations of producers that in Italy are pursuing the idea of ​​a “cleaner” viticulture: Vini Veri, VinNatur, Renaissance des Appellations Italy.

Let’s discover natural wines

Wine is not a natural product: it is not found in nature but has been created by man’s ingenuity. This array of products are made following the dictates that they want to go back to experiment with ancient techniques, letting the wine remain a product that can evolve. Without abusing sulfites and therefore without resorting to the “correction” of what nature alone is able to offer.The products obtained, noses and papillae accustomed to “classic” wine may seem wrong, but also very good, all to be savored and discovered.Tasting will therefore bring you a lot of fun.One of the tastes of the tasters is often shot to define these more digestible wines.

If you are interested here are a couple of links from some companies to start discovering these wines at their best:

Borgo San Daniele


Good day everyone! Ilde

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