The Walter Nardin winery

The Walter Nardin winery is located in Roncadelle di Ormelle, in the province of Treviso. Walter, with his wife Mirella and their two sons Michele and Luca, without ever losing sight of the common thread that links them to the activity of his grandfather started at the beginning of the last century, carry on the business with enormous success.


The Nardin Agricultural Company was founded in 1922 by Vittorio Nardin, the father of the current manager Walter. At the time, as now, Roncadelle was a small town in the province of Treviso. Since the beginning the company has been very successful in the local area to the point that in Roncadelle the word “Vin” is synonymous with “Nardin”.


In 1971, at the age of 18, Walter Nardin joined the company when his father died. Thanks to his uncle’s help, he is able to grow and get to know the wines of the Piave area at a national and European level and then also those of the Lison Pramaggiore area. They succeeded by applying and developing all the techniques and know-how handed down by Grandpa Vittorio, combining yesterday’s peasant culture with today’s modern technology. Walter Nardin, building on the high experience acquired in the family business, founded the Walter Nardin Agricultural Company. His intent is to return to a family-run perspective, where he is not overwhelmed by the frenzy but where there is the possibility of meditating and consequently curing quality. Thus obtaining a product that satisfies the inn, the wine shop and the most refined restaurant.

The winery

The vine is cultivated and the grapes are vinified in a modernly equipped cellar. A part of the vineyards is located in Roncadelle in the “D.O.C Piave” area, where the classic white wines known for their fragrance and harmony and red wines are distinguished by body and authority. The other part of the vineyards is located in the area “D.O.C Lison – Pramaggiore” where soil and microclimate give wines with particular aromas and scents.

This company was present at Vinitaly 2019 and also at Prowein in Düsseldorf at the Venice Wine Consortium. Have you had the chance to taste them during one of these events? If the answer is no, take a look here, you won’t regret it! Their wines are products handed down from generations that bring with them the flavors of the area. Let me know what you think!

Good day! Ilde

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