“The abstemious sommelier” of the restaurant Testecalde

The project “The abstemious sommelier” has taken place in the agri-food pavilion of the Fair of the Levante 2017. Where the first experimental lesson was held for children with disabilities of the restaurant Testecalde of Rutigliano. In this particular restaurant, a group of disabled children, led by professionals in the sector, have learned the craft of catering. Today they manage the restaurant successfully, from the kitchen to the dining room service. It was Raffaele Massa, Bari’s representative of the Italian sommelier association, who had the idea of ​​extending their professionalism by adding the knowledge of wine.

How and when

On March 21, 2018, at the restaurant Testecalde, “The abstemious sommelier” Project was officially presented. Here the guys will know the wines only through sight and smell, since for health reasons they can not drink alcohol.

In fact, the customer will be entrusted with the task of completing the tasting with taste. This is the first course in Italy aimed at training 25 abstemious sommelier, who will be able to show local customers the right wine to pair with dishes.

The students attending the course will also get a certification provided by the Italian sommelier association.

The course

The course includes eight lessons during which all the topics normally dealt with in the AIS for Sommelier courses will be dealt with. With the help of a text specially created for them, the students of Testecalde will be taught the viticulture, the enology, the visual and olfactory characteristics of the wines, the service and the criteria of pairing with food.

It is thanks to projects as these that wine culture becomes an instrument of solidarity, as well as a means of training and a chance for people with disabilities to enter the world of work.

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