Pumpkin soup with chestnuts “spazli”

Hello All
Yesterday I went to Anna Maria, for lunch;  Anna Maria is a very good fried of mine and she is also a fantastic cook!
We are right in the middle of autumn and with the autumn come the pumpkins…  here is a very good pumpkin soup; try it and don’t forget to drink a good glass of wine with it; I suggest to select a good  Lambrusco (click on the link for my selections)
Enjoy your soup and let me know your thoughts about the wine
ciao Ilde

Ingredients for the soup

2 middle size white onions
2-3 patatos
mashed pumpkin (to obtain it, cook the pumpkin in the oven and onces it is soft, mash it with a mixer)
1 table spoon of olive oii


Slice the onions and put them in a pan with a tablespoon of oil let them cook for a few minutes (until the onions get that gold colour; add the sliced patatos and the mashed pumpkin; add water (make sure the water covers all the vegetables in the pan).
Cook slowly until the patatos are nice and soft; at that point blend in order to obtain a creamy soup; add salt and pepper and some extra water if you feel it is too dense.
Before serving add some parmesan

If you want to add some spice, try the “spazli” , typical from Friuli Venezia Giulia (North -East of Italy) have the consistency of small gnocchi and give a different spin to you soup!

Ingredients for the chestnuts “spazli” 

1 egg
3-4 tablespoon of chestnuts flour
1 tablespoon of dark cocoa powder


Lightly beat the egg, incorporate the flour and the cocoa. Add milk until you get a thick enough cream (should have the same consistency as a thick custard cream). Poor, with the spoon,  in boiling salty water (you should get small gnocchi ) and let cook for few minutes.

Pour the “spazli” on the soup and add finely chopped rosemary


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