Roséxpo 2018

Roséxpo, the international fair of Rosé wines, is the “meeting” between the different rosé producers. A space where culture welcomes its audience with lights, sounds, traditions, works of art, books, aperitifs and gourmet proposals.

The Fifth edition of the International Exhibition of Rosé wines will be held from 15 to 17 June in Lecce. The first editions included companies from every Italian region and also a large number of foreign labels. Making it a successful event.

The objections

Its goal is to create a shared path for the promotion of the territories (Italian and foreign) for the production of this type of wine. It is a vehicle of territorial marketing with a strong identity mark. Rosé wine has acquired its dignity and its value and is an integral part of the Italian wine history.

Roséxpo is the most captivating event of wine in Puglia. Each edition is an opportunity to dissect themes with a great commercial and marketing impact.

It is a story in a current language through the experience of wine. In fact, the natural venue is Lecce, the heart of Salento wine.

The Location

The Carlo V Castle will be the venue for the event. Built in the twelfth century d.C., is known as the Castle of Charles V because its current configuration is the result of the restructuring ordered by the homonymous Spanish sovereign.

Only thanks to him the Castle becomes an emblem of imperial grandeur and a place of defense against enemy attacks. Along with the city, it was equipped with new defensive works that responded to the renewed war requirements. The building underwent a substantial restructuring of the rooms that make up the inner core, which went to incorporate the previous medieval structure, and an expansion of its size with the implementation of an imposing curtain wall that connected to four massive bastions: of the Holy Trinity and of S. Croce on the side towards the city, of S. Martino and of S. Giacomo to the outside.

If you are interested in this event and you want to take part, let me know how you found yourself. And do not forget to tell me how this magical location is!

Good day everyone!


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