The Schioppettino from the Spolert winery


For a few months, once a month, I have invited a few friends who love wine to my home for dinner. Simona takes care of the food, and I select the wines. Only one rule: those participating in the feast must drink what I picked: whites, reds, bubbles, Italian and even foreign wines.
I like tasting new wines with my friends, and then doing it during a dinner with the right foods is even more beautiful. And I also really enjoy seeing my friends’ reactions and hearing their comments during the tasting.

I wanted to share our tastings with you; maybe I’ll make you want to try some!

Let’s start with a red and, more precisely, the Schioppettino from the Spolert winery.


Spolert cantina
Cantina Spolert

The Winery

It makes sense to give you some info about the winery; Spolert is in Prepotto, home of Schippettino (autochthonous Friulian wine); Riccardo Caliari and his wife bought it a few years ago, intending to enhance the regional native wine.The name of the Spolert cellar comes from the stove, which in the Friulian tradition was the centre of the kitchen and, in addition to cooking food, was also used to spread heat throughout a large part of the house.

This winery has no steel tanks; the whites are wine made and aged in cement tanks, the reds in earthenware amphorae (halfway between terra cotta and ceramic), and French oak barriques.


polenta e brasato
Brasato con polenta

The Wine

As you pour it into the glass, the colour affects you; a super bright, intense ruby red. The scents are reminiscent of strawberries and cherries, and as my friend Betty said, there are raspberries in here! There are also the spicy notes of black pepper. Drinking is an absolute pleasure; fresh makes you want to keep drinking. It’s not heavy or too thick. It is easy to drink.

We paired it with braised meat with polenta, and it worked very well.

In short, my friends like red wines, and I hit and sunk them with this one!

If you feel like tasting it until May 31, 2023, you can take advantage of the 10% discount I have reserved for those who read this blog and follow me on social networks. Discount code that you can use to taste all the other wines of the Spolert cellar.

The discount code is easy: Spolert

Let me know if you’ve tasted it and if you liked it. Let me know if you’ve tasted it and if you liked it.

I will speak to you soon





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