The gold in Friuli – the wine Ramandolo

The Ramandolo DOCG is a sweet wine with a golden colour sometimes with reflections of onion skin; it has a sweet but not cloying taste, with a nice acidity that makes it soft and balanced. The derived grapes are Verduzzo Giallo and their tannic part makes the wine elegant and resistant over time.

Why is it called Ramandolo?

It takes its name from the small hamlet of the municipality of Nimis, in the Colli Orientali del Friuli. Nimis is near the emerald waters of “Cornappo”, famous for fishing trout and prawns.
The two banks of the stream, which originates from the Gran Monte, are joined by the Ponte degli Angeli, one of the most evocative structures in Friuli. On the left bank is the “Borgo Nievano” rebuilt after the 1976 earthquake.
In the parish church in the centre of Nimis, towards the end of the seventies, some very significant fragments of reliefs were exhumed, two of which are today used as symbols in the Ramandolo coat of arms.

The most significant one is in sandstone and limestone with, sculpted in relief, two different circular shapes: one composed of six concentric circles and the other that designs a sort of six-spoked wheel. It seems that both representations want to indicate the wheel of the sun; the wheel is a symbol present in Roman sculptures or Celtic representations. The meaning is change and return, in the succession of seasons, of day and night, of fertility and abundance.

How is Ramandolo wine-made? 

verduzzo grapes for ramandolo

Ramandolo is today produced respecting ancient traditions. The vines are almost always trained in the “cappuccina” method; the grapes are usually harvested towards the end of October, thus allowing the fruit to concentrate an adequate quantity of sugar. The drying in boxes or on racks is completed in the cellar; the pressing takes place in the first half of November.

Ramandolo today is a rarity: the annual production is around 150,000 bottles. It is a wine of great elegance and versatility; it goes perfectly with Gubana, the traditional Friulian dessert but is amazing with mature and blue cheeses and foie gras.

Ramandolo is also ideal as a meditation wine.

All the information can be found on SIRIO TOMMASOLI (Reasons and origins of the Ramandolo brand) and the website

What to taste

I recommend the Ramandolo DOCG Uve Decembrine from the Giovanni Dri winery,  so called because the harvest takes place between the end of November and the beginning of December when the maturation is very advanced. It is an elegant wine that ages in French oak barriques and which I am sure will not disappoint you.

Enjoy the tasting

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